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Games For The Last Days Of School

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by tedowistlu1983 2020. 3. 3. 14:57


This post shares tips, resources, and end of the school year activities that will keep your students from going (too) crazy as you finish the school year!This post may contain affiliate links that pay a small commission to keep this site running smoothly. No gimmicks or funny business! Get the nitty-gritty details in theClassroom behavior for some students take a nose-dive and following directions starts to lag.Here are some of my favorite ideas for keeping my classroom engaging and fun while finishing the school year strong. 1–Give Whole Class Rewards For Meeting Goals During the Last Days of SchoolOne of the ways I keep my students from going crazy at the end of the school year is with whole class rewards.I ask students to list possible rewards and treats they would like for meeting certain goals. Click the image for more details on these editable choice boards.I try to keep the rigor and routine flowing with my, but I jazz them up by adding different game ideas that students get to choose.Choice boards are great because they help students build independence. Plus, students want to have more choice during these last days of school, so they are motivated to stay under control.Anything engaged and motivating is a winner in my book during the end of the school year when my “teacher-patience-tank” is running low!If you’re still feeling nervous about giving choice during your center rotations, check out this blog post with more details: 3–Complete End of the School Year Memory BooksAhhhthe sweet walk down memory lane!Another last day of school activity is to have students complete end of school year memory books. Click the image for more details on this end of the year memory book.Throughout the school year, I take tons of pictures of students.

Then I use a free app on my phone to get them developed without cost. All I have to pay is shipping.I give these pictures to my students for their which I print on sturdy and use to hold the book together.It’s fun to watch my students turn into little “scrapbook” champions creating their memory picture books! 4–Keep Your Students Moving with Classmate Scavenger HuntsStudents of all ages have the “wiggles” bad during the final weeks of school. You can stress yourself out trying to keep them completely still and quiet all day, or you can flow with their busybodies by incorporating more movement into your lessons.I use class scavenger hunts like to get them out their seats in a productive way.

It encourages collaboration, gives them chances to move and talk, plus it doesn’t involved any teacher prep! This can be used with different grade levels. Easy to implement.Any lesson that I can turn into a kinesthetic, hands-on learning activity is also a big thumbs up for me–not only for the end of the year lessons but also for the entire year! 5–Have a Last Days of School Balloon CountdownI will admit, I didn’t think my students would stay calm with this one. I assumed the loud balloon pops would make them act crazy.Boy, was I wrong! This balloon countdown works like a charm. Here’s what you need:.

to Write Numbers on the Balloons. Small strips of paper to stuff inside the balloonsOn each small strip of paper, put a surprise reward the whole class can earn. At the end of the day, if students all had great behavior or met their class goal, pop the balloon and let them enjoy their treat! A post shared by (@tanyagmarshall) on May 1, 2018 at 5:37pm PDTThis end of school year countdown activity works great to keep students from going crazy during your final days together.

6–Make a Summer Bucket List TogetherAnother way I keep students engaged during the final days of school is with Summer Bucket Lists.This ideas also works well to help students reflect on how the year went and how they can do better moving forward. Will these thoughts stick permanently? I can’t guarantee that, but I can guarantee that the seed for change will at least be planted!I also practice what I preach! While students are making their Summer Bucket Lists, I also make mine. It really helps your kids to see that you are also engaged in their end of the year activities. Have Fun with Your Students!!Every year I am amazed at how fast the school year goes. The days especially fly into summer once testing is over.

No matter how rough the year started or progressed, I feel that bittersweet feeling as my kids are packing up and walking out the door for the last time.You Gotta Check Out This Post:It’s important to not only leave a positive impression on them for their year with you, but it’s also important for you to be mentally and emotionally healthy as you end another year of teaching.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links, at no cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read the full disclosure. Fun End of School Year ActivitiesSchool is almost out!

Here are some fun end of school year activities. An “End-of-the-Year event” or “End Of Year Party” may seem unimportant, however it is a VERY IMPORTANT activity. It’s the end of the school year! The CLOSURE cements the experience of the year, and positive memories have an effect on the children’s attitude.In this category are i deas for display boards, games, literacy, treats, feel good, and just plain fun!This is a time to look back and reflect –as well as a time to think ahead.

Additionally, be sure to –both grade school and middle school– in some way!End of School Year Party Activities 1. Read “” & ““A nice idea for younger children1. Do a compare and contrast of the two books.2. Then have the children draw pictures of the things they would like to say “goodbye to” in your room.3. It’s good “therapy” because we know how hard it can be to say goodbye to our familiar room and friends.

When complete bind it into a program book titled ‘GOODBYE ROOM’.2. Play PIN THE MUSTACHE on the Teacher/CaregiverBlow up a picture (or draw one) of one of your staff membersMake/cut mustaches out of black construction paper. Place tape on the back of each mustache. Then the game proceeds just like ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’.IDEA: You could also get permission from the school principal (or a favorite school person) and pin the mustache on a picture of them!3. Grade 3 (Or ) HAS BEEN A BALL!This is a fun and different way to have an autograph party as a remembrance of the time spent in child care program or class.–order some from a novelty company-have children blow them up and then get autographs from each other on the balls!4. MAKE TIN CAN ICE-CREAM!Cara Bafile, shared one of her favorite activities in “Education World” — making tin-can ice cream. Ice cream is good any time of year — but this activity is a great small-group activity for the last days of school!

Games For The Last Days Of School Year

Games for the last day of school

Games For The Last Days Of School Activities First Grade 1

It’s one of those ‘teacher hand-me-downs’ with no particular source.